Legal concerns

Xreveal (collectively the "Software") respects copyright and does not condone or endorse video piracy in any way. The Software is design to allow users to experience their fair use right to the content they purchased, for example, rip and copy their home made video (if they own the copyright) to blank discs or other media player devices. In most counties, the copyright law will allow the original purchaser or user to make a backup/copy for personal use. But it also might be illegal to make a copy or backup to the purchased movie or disc without permission according to the different laws in different countries.

It should be taken into consideration while using our software in different countries. Since our products are sold world-wide, each user shall be responsible for complying with local laws in their use and ensure the fair use of the software. You should understand the above said disclaimer content and ensure the fair use the software. If you misuse or abuse the software in any form, you shall hold full legal responsibility for the caused results and the software provider (The Xreveal Team) will not be held responsible for any actions that shall be taken against your misuse of the software.

We are a French team. Therefore, most of the following page refers to French law, which is the only one to be applicable to Xreveal.

Xreveal is a research project and has an interoperability purpose, it doesn't contain any decryption keys, it is based on the official public AACS specification only. You need a key database to make it work.

Xreveal can find and guess keys from a DVD in order to decrypt it. This method is authorized by a French law decision CE 10e et 9e sous­sect., 16 juillet 2008, n° 301843 on interoperability.

NB: In the USA, you should check out the US Copyright Office decision that allows circumvention in some cases. We are NOT a US-based organization and is therefore outside US jurisdiction.